LY-23-06: Old Forest Road - City of Lynchburg

LY-23-06 Overview Map

Kings Drive to Link Road

Project Purpose

The purpose of this study is to identify project recommendations for the Old Forest Road corridor between Kings Drive and Link Road. The identified VTrans high priority needs, safety improvement and bicycle access, will be the focus of the study. Additional priorities, including pedestrian access, transit access, transit access for equity emphasis areas, and transportation demand management, will also be reviewed and analyzed. The project recommendations made as part of this study may be developed into future funding applications for SMART SCALE and other transportation funding programs.

Study Partners

  • City of Lynchburg
  • Central Virginia Transportation Planning Organization
  • Michael Baker International

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Rick Youngblood

Lead Consultant: Zach Harris 


Phase 1 May - August 2023 Diagnose Problems/Conduct Initial Public Outreach/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 September - December 2023 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives/Conduct Public Outreach and Obtain Feedback/Select Preferred Alternatives
Phase 3 January-July 2024  Conduct Risk Assessment/Develop and Refine Preferred Alternatives/Prepare Cost Estimate and Investment Strategy

Study Documents

The Phase 1 survey regarding potential transportation safety, operations, transportation demand management, and bicycle/pedestrian/transit improvements along Old Forest Rd. between Kings Dr. and Link Rd. in the City of Lynchburg is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
August 30-September 13, 2023 245


The following needs have been identified for this study. Do you agree with this initial assessment?
Vehicular Safety 83%
Pedestrian Access 56%
Transit Access 40%
Transportation Demand Management 40%
Bicycle Access 35%


What mode(s) of travel do you use when traveling along the study area?
Personal Vehicle 98%
Cycling 8%
Walking 7%
Truck or commercial vehicle 3%
Metro bus, local bus, or commuter bus 2%
Taxi / Uber / Lyft 1%
Carpool / Vanpool 1%
Other 1%

Last updated: September 9, 2024

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