ST04: 522/Front Royal Pike

ST04 Overview Map

50/Millwood Pike TO Costello Drive


The survey regarding potential transportation safety and operations improvements on Route 522 (Front Royal Pike) between Route 50/17 (Millwood Pike) and Costello Dr. is complete.

Project Purpose

This study will investigate mid-term (10-25 year) solutions to address operational and safety needs. The Route 50/I-81 Exit 313 interchange bridge replacement will establish a third westbound through lane on Route 50, but will not be sufficient to handle anticipated traffic from emerging developments along the corridor. A long-term (25-30 year) concept involving relocating Route 522 to the east is being investigated through a separate MPO study. Two study area locations are on the district Potential for Safety Improvement list: the segment of Route 522 from Costello Drive to Delco Plaza (#64) and the intersection of Route 522 & Route 50 (#72).

Study Partners

  • Frederick County
  • Winchester/Frederick County Metropolitan Planning Organization

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Brad Reed

Lead Consultant: Nathan Umberger


Phase 1 August 2021 – September 2021 Problem Diagnosis/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 October 2021 – March 2022 Stakeholder/Public engagement and feedback
Phase 3 March 2022 – July 2022 Investment strategy cost estimation and refinement

Last updated: May 23, 2024

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