RI-23-11: U.S. Route 301 (Chamberlayne Road) - Hanover County

RI-23-11 Overview Map

From I-295 to Atlee Road

Project Purpose

The purpose of this study is to evaluate safety and operational issues and develop solutions along U.S. Route 301 (Chamberlayne Road) from I-295 to Atlee Road, including the Route 637 (Atlee Station Road) and Route 1206 (Cudlipp Avenue/Lockwood Boulevard) intersections, and along Atlee Road from U.S. Route 301 (Chamberlayne Road) to Barnfield Lane. This 1.1-mile corridor includes segments identified with VTrans Priority 2 District Needs. The study goals are to identify safety, capacity, transportation demand management, and accessibility (bicycle and transit) improvements along the corridor for all transportation users.

Study Partners

  • Hanover County
  • Richmond TPO
  • WSP

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Liz McAdory

Lead Consultant: Sachin Katkar


Phase 1 May - August 2023 Diagnose Problems/Conduct Initial Public Outreach/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 September - December 2023 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives/Conduct Public Outreach and Obtain Feedback/Select Preferred Alternatives
Phase 3 January-July 2024  Conduct Risk Assessment/Develop and Refine Preferred Alternatives/Prepare Cost Estimate and Investment Strategy

Study Documents

The Phase 1 survey regarding potential transportation safety, operations, capacity preservation, access, transportation demand management, and bicycle/transit improvements along U.S. Route 301 (Chamberlayne Rd.) from I-295 to Atlee Rd. and along Atlee Rd. from U.S. Route 301 (Chamberlayne Rd.) to Barnfield Ln. in Hanover County is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
August 14-28, 2023 295


The following needs have been identified for this study. Do you agree with this initial assessment?
Safety 86%
Capacity Preservation 64%
Transportation Demand Management 60%
Operations 50%
Bicycle Accessibility 32%
Transit Accessibility 29%


What mode(s) of travel do you use when traveling along the study area?
Personal Vehicle 99%
Cycling 9%
Walking 8%
Truck or Commercial Vehicle 5%
Taxi / Uber / Lyft 3%
Carpool / Vanpool 2%
Other 2%
Metro Bus, Local Bus, or Commuter Bus 0%

The Phase 2 survey regarding potential improvements along U.S. Route 301 (Chamberlayne Rd.) from I-295 to Atlee Rd. and along Atlee Rd. from U.S. Route 301 (Chamberlayne Rd.) to Barnfield Ln. in Hanover County is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
April 29 – May 13, 2024

Cudlipp / Lockwood & Leon / Times Dispatch

Intersection of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) at Cudlipp Avenue / Lockwood Boulevard

  • Restripe westbound Lockwood Boulevard lane configuration
    • Existing is one left-turn lane, one shared left-turn/through lane, and one right-turn lane
    • Proposed would be one left-turn lane, one thru lane, and one right-turn lane
  • Change signal phasing for the side streets for traffic on eastbound Cudlipp Avenue and westbound Lockwood Boulevard
    • Existing is split phase, wherein signal indication is green for all movements in one direction at a time
    • Proposed operations would have all movements operate permissively – left turns would be made after yielding to oncoming traffic or pedestrians, and no special protected interval would be provided for left turns
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Restriping westbound Lockwood Boulevard lane configuration to one left-turn lane, one thru lane, and one right-turn lane. 11% 5% 32% 22% 30%
Changing signal phasing for the side streets for traffic on eastbound Cudlipp Avenue and westbound Lockwood Boulevard for all movements to operate permissively. 14% 7% 27% 22% 31%

Intersection of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) at Leon Lane / Times Dispatch Boulevard

  • Restripe westbound Times Dispatch Boulevard lane configuration
    • Existing is one left-turn lane, one shared left-turn/through lane, and one right-turn lane
    • Proposed would be one left-turn lane, one through lane, and one right-turn lane
  • Change signal phasing for traffic on eastbound Leon Lane and westbound Times Dispatch Boulevard for all movements to operate permissively
    • Existing is split phase, wherein signal indication is green for all movements in one direction at a time
    • Proposed operations would have all movements operate permissively – left turns would be made after yielding to oncoming traffic or pedestrians, and no special protected interval would be provided for left turns
  • Change the control for the eastbound Leon Lane and westbound Times Dispatch Boulevard right-turn movements, so the movements will be controlled by the traffic signal
    • Both are existing as channelized movements with weaving lanes
    • Proposed would be controlling the movements with the traffic signal – the stop line will be extended across the right-turn lane, so all turns on red will require a full stop before proceeding, and the movements will be controlled by the signal
  • Install pedestrian facilities for the west, south, and east legs of the intersection – this will include curb ramps, marked crosswalks, and audible pedestrian signals with pushbuttons and countdown timers
  • Install sidewalk on both sides of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301)
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Restriping westbound Times Dispatch Boulevard lane configuration to one left-turn lane, one through lane, and one right-turn lane. 15% 7% 22% 22% 35%
Changing signal phasing for traffic on eastbound Leon Lane and westbound Times Dispatch Boulevard for all movements to operate permissively. 15% 8% 20% 23% 34%
Changing the control for the eastbound Leon Lane and westbound Times Dispatch Boulevard right-turn movements so the movement will be controlled by the traffic signal. 13% 7% 23% 21% 36%
Installing pedestrian facilities for the west, south, and east legs of the intersection. 24% 5% 12% 13% 45%
Installing sidewalk on both sides of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301). 25% 5% 11% 10% 49%

Atlee Station Road & Atlee Road

Intersection of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) at Atlee Station Road

  • Restripe eastbound and westbound Atlee Station Road approaches
    • Existing on each approach is one left-turn lane, one shared left-turn/through lane, and one right-turn lane
    • Proposed on each approach would be one left-turn lane, one through lane, and one right-turn lane
  • Change signal phasing for traffic on eastbound and westbound Atlee Station Road
    • Existing is split phase, wherein signal indication is green for all movements in one direction at a time
    • Proposed operations would have all movements operate permissively – left turns would be made after yielding to oncoming traffic or pedestrians, and no special protected interval would be provided for left turns
  • Change the control for the eastbound Atlee Station Road right-turn movement so the movement will be controlled by the traffic signal
    • Existing is a channelized movement with an added lane
    • Proposed would be controlling the movement with the traffic signal – the stop line will be extended across the right-turn lane, so all turns on red will require a full stop before proceeding, and the movement will be controlled by the signal
  • Add a third thru-lane and new right-turn lane on southbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301)
  • Install pedestrian facilities for the west, north, and east legs of the intersection – this will include curb ramps, marked crosswalks, and audible pedestrian signals with pushbuttons and countdown timers
  • Install sidewalk along west side of Chamberlayne Road including under railroad bridge
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Restriping eastbound and westbound Atlee Station Road approaches to one left-turn lane, one thru lane, and one right-turn lane. 17% 8% 16% 19% 41%
Changing signal phasing for traffic on eastbound and westbound Atlee Station Road for all movements to operate permissively. 18% 8% 14% 20% 40%
Controlling the eastbound Atlee Station Road right-turn movement with the traffic signal. 18% 8% 14% 19% 41%
 ​Add a third thru-lane and new right-turn lane on southbound Chamberlayne Road. 13% 4% 12% 21% 50%
Installing pedestrian facilities for the west, north, and east legs of the intersection. 24% 4% 10% 13% 50%
Installing sidewalk along west side of Chamberlayne Road including under railroad bridge. 25% 3% 10% 11% 52%

Intersection of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) at Atlee Road

  • Restripe the westbound Atlee Road approach
    • Existing approach includes two left-turn lanes, one through lane, and one right-turn lane
    • Proposed approach would include one left-turn lane, two through lanes, and one right-turn lane
  • Add a second right-turn lane from northbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) to eastbound Atlee Road
    • This movement would be channelized and signalized – the turn lanes would flare away from the through lanes at an angle to better facilitate two turn lanes onto Atlee Road, and the movement would be controlled by a traffic signal instead of a yield condition
  • Extend the existing northbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) double left-turn lanes by 225 feet
  • Add a third through lane on southbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Rutlandshire Drive to Atlee Station Road – this will provide a third through lane from Rutlandshire Drive to the off-ramp to I-295 northbound
    • The existing weaving lane on southbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Atlee Road to the Dominion Orthodontics driveway would be converted to the new through lane
    • New dedicated right-turn lanes would be provided from southbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) to Atlee Road and to Atlee Station Road
    • The existing channelized right-turn lane from eastbound Atlee Road would be maintained, but the acceleration lane would be eliminated to accommodate the third through lane
  • Install pedestrian facilities for all approaches of the intersection – this will include curb ramps, marked crosswalks, and audible pedestrian signals with pushbuttons and countdown timers
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Restriping the westbound Atlee Road approach to one left-turn lane, two through lanes, and one right-turn lane. 15% 5% 12% 23% 45%
Adding a second right-turn lane from northbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) to eastbound Atlee Road. 18% 11% 16% 17% 39%
Extending the northbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) double left-turn lanes by 225 feet. 10% 2% 11% 21% 55%
Adding a third thru lane on southbound Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) through the intersection – this would extend from Rutlandshire Drive to the existing third southbound lane south of Atlee Station Road. 12% 5% 11% 22% 51%
Installing pedestrian facilities for all approaches of the intersection. 23% 3% 10% 10% 54%

Intersection of Atlee Road at Barnfield Lane

  • Construct a roundabout
    • This would include two circulating lanes along Atlee Road and one circulating lane along Barnfield Lane
  • Install pedestrian facilities for all approaches of the intersection
    • This will include curb ramps, marked crosswalks, and signs in advance of and at the crossings for all approaches
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Constructing a roundabout. 25% 6% 8% 15% 46%
Installing pedestrian facilities for all approaches of the intersection. 19% 2% 11% 11% 57%

TDM & Pedestrian and Bike Access

Transit and Travel Demand Management (TDM) Improvements

  • Construct a park and ride facility
    • This would include a right-in/right-out restricted access from Times Dispatch Boulevard for vehicles and a sidewalk access from Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) for pedestrians
  • Install sidewalk along the east side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Leon Lane/Times Dispatch Boulevard to Rutlandshire Drive and along the west side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Times Dispatch Boulevard to Atlee Station Road, including a sidewalk connection from the intersection of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) / Times Dispatch Boulevard to the proposed park-and-ride lot
  • Provide right-in/right-out only access to the proposed park and ride facility along Times-Dispatch Boulevard
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Constructing a park and ride facility. 29% 8% 22% 15% 27%
Installing sidewalk along the east side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Leon Lane/Times Dispatch Boulevard to Rutlandshire Drive and along the west side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Times Dispatch Boulevard to Atlee Station Road. 26% 4% 15% 10% 44%
Providing right-in/right-out only access to the proposed park and ride facility along Times-Dispatch Boulevard. 29% 7% 24% 14% 27%

Corridor Wide Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Improvements

  • Install sidewalk along the southbound side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Leon Lane/Times Dispatch Boulevard to Rutlandshire Drive and along the northbound side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Times Dispatch Boulevard to Atlee Station Road, including a sidewalk connection from the intersection of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) / Times Dispatch Boulevard to the proposed park-and-ride lot
  • Upgrade the existing sidewalk to a shared-use path along the eastbound side of Atlee Road from Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) to the railroad overpass just east of Atlee Station Road
    • This will also connect gaps in the existing sidewalk
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Installing sidewalk along the southbound side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Leon Lane/Times Dispatch Boulevard to Rutlandshire Drive and along the northbound side of Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) from Times Dispatch Boulevard to Atlee Station Road. 24% 3% 12% 11% 51%
Upgrading the existing sidewalk to a shared-use path along the eastbound side of Atlee Road from Chamberlayne Road (US Route 301) to the railroad overpass just east of Atlee Station Road. 21% 3% 12% 12% 52%


Last updated: August 19, 2024

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